The Essential Liberty Guide
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The Essential Liberty Pocket Guide—much more than just a founding documents booklet
"There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily." — George Washington
The Essential Liberty Pocket Reference Guide contains the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Additionally, an inspiring historical introduction by the Patriot Post’s executive editor Mark Alexander, the Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution, the Declaration of the Cause and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, The Articles of Confederation, various state plans from the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, and a wide selection of quotations from the Founding Fathers are all included in this excellent pocket reference.
Additionally, this guide provides "In the words of our Founders", topical quotes from the Founding Fathers, plus a listing of online resources for further research by the serious-minded or the just plain curious.
- Softcover
- 155 pages
- Measures 4.75" by 3.5"